Fees and Rates

Tach vs. Hobbs - Cheaper for the Pilot

Octopus charges by Tach time, which is driven by engine rpm, and is less costly than Hobbs. You will appreciate this difference, particularly when waiting for an IFR release, or if stuck in a conga line waiting for your turn to takeoff.

Compare two imaginary airplanes: an Octopus airplane and a club that bills by Hobbs. Both are billed at $100 per hour. You fly each airplane for exactly one hour by the clock on the wall. The hour at the Hobbs rate will cost $100. The hour at Octopus will cost around $75 to $80, because Tach hours typically accumulate slower than Hobbs hours.

Hobbs time increases as the clock moves forward. Tach time, on the other hand, moves faster or slower depending on engine RPM. So for example, while taxiing, Tach time is only about 40% of Hobbs time. For pattern work, it's somewhere between 60 - 70%. For a long XC trip at 2500 RPM, Tach time is close to or in some cases more than Hobbs. So the amount of money you save with Tach time really depends on the type of flying you'll be doing.

Reservations - There are no minimums and no daily fees

Each member is allowed to make reservations on a first come, first served, basis, up to 90 days in advance.

Each member is allowed a total of up to 3 reservations on the scheduling system at any one time.

Members are allowed to schedule up to 200 hours of reservation time, with no limit, other than the member’s maximum amount, on the length of any one reservation.

Rates are per hour Tach time and include fuel. Naturally, our rates are subject to change, based on fuel and club operating costs. Membership dues includes having the member as a 'Named Insured' for our fleet, as described in the club's insurance policy, club bylaws, and club operating procedures.

  • N298GT    TB-200 Tobago XL:   $160 Hr Tach
  • N221AM    TB-20 Trinidad:   $190 Hr Tach
  • N6151H    Archer II PA-28-161 :   $140 Hr Tach
  • N25219    TB-20 Trinidad:   $190 Hr Tach

Membership Deposit

  • Members:   $1200.00

Monthly Dues

  • Members:   $155.00



Membership Size

  • The total number of memberships in the Club shall not exceed 16 per aircraft.

  • The minimum number of memberships in the Club is 12 per aircraft.

  • Current membership range: Minimum 48, Maximum 64